The Oxford Sandy & Black Standards of Excellence

A Medium to Large Pig
Long and deep with broad hind quarters and rather finer fore quarters. Shoulders should be fine, well set and neat, not raised. Back should be long and straight with a slight arch over the loins. The loins should be strong and broad and the quarters long and wide with well filled hams. The chest should be wide and deep and the sides deep and well filled.
Moderately long with a slightly dished muzzle. Short or very dished face a defect. Good width between eyes and ears. Neck moderately long and not thick, no over heaviness of the jowl.
Medium, semi-lop to full lop; that is, carried horizontally or lower, but not obscuring the view forward. Erect (pricked) ears are unacceptable. Ear position is also important – they should be well set on the head.
Good length set on high with a tassel of fine white hair.
Deep straight underline with at least 12 (preferably 14) sound and well-placed teats evenly spaced. Boars must have 14 teats 6 of which should be in front of the sheath.
Medium length, straight, strong boned and well set on (a leg in each corner), giving a free and active gait. They should not be sickle hocked, knock kneed or bow legged. Pigs should stand well up on toes.
Ground colour sandy, ranging from pale sandy to rust. Markings black in random blotches rather than small spots, with sandy the predominant colour. White feet, blaze and tassel are characteristic. Roses on the back and black feet are not permitted. Swirls/whorls elsewhere are not desirable.
Should show “maleness” with well developed testicles, free from lumps and sponginess and carried high.
Things to avoid!
Remember when looking for an Oxford Sandy and Black pig avoid prick ears, white patches (except for feet, blaze and tassel – however the odd white hair is acceptable) and coat colours such as black and white, all sandy (or two-tone sandy), or tri-coloured (sandy, black and white). Also remember that the predominant colour is sandy.